Changing the Future: of Waste, of Energy


 Our services

Your wastes from rubbish can turn into biogas and electric energy, clean, renewable, profitable.

Your company, industry, public administration      has spare wood, wood chips and shavings, sawdust, pruning and gardening residues?

Your company, industry or public administration has organic waste, selective waste collection, pruning and gardening residues to dispose of ?

Your residues and byproduct turning into                  electric energy, clean, renewable, profitable.

Feasibility, Executive Project, Electrical Project, Environmental Licencing

Project Financing, Construction, Operation, Maintenance,  Remote Supervision

Integrating other renewable sources,

hibrid plants solar and hidroelectrical

© 2021  OWG  Engineering

Estrada Roberto Burle Marx 33

23020-825, Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro,

Brasil, email:

Tel.  +55 21 2553-3501

Cel.  +55 21 97921-9082 (Whatsapp)

Cel. +55 21 96514-4870 

Biometano o GN Renovável